The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has passed legislation that will significantly increase workers’ compensation costs in Pennsylvania. House Bill 930 seeks to amend the provisions of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act addressing disfigurement benefits.
Section 306(c)22 of the Workers Compensation Act currently provides compensation for serious and permanent disfigurement of the head, neck or face of such a character as to produce an unsightly appearance and such as is not usually incident to employment. Currently, awards are limited to 275 weeks of benefits to be paid at the individual’s TTD rate. Currently, an individual may not receive temporary or partial disability benefits simultaneously with disfigurement benefits.
On May 2, 2023, the House passed House Bill 930 to amend section 306(c)22 of the Act. The Bill will allow compensation for disfigurement not only of the head, face or neck, but of the entire body. As such, any surgery, however minor, will result in payment of disfigurement benefits. Additionally, the Bill will increase the maximum number of weeks of disfigurement benefits from 275 to 400 weeks. Finally, the Bill will allow claimants to collect both disfigurement benefits as well as total or partial disability benefits simultaneously.
House Bill 930 has now moved to the Pennsylvania Senate for consideration. The Bill will adversely impact for Pennsylvania employers and insurers inasmuch as it will increase workers’ compensation costs. We urge you to contact your Pennsylvania State Senator to ask that he vote against this legislation.