A Long History Of Excellence

Workers’ Compensation

Bradford County vs. Pasko

The Commonwealth Court refuses pension credit for an employee who retires and then returns to the same employer part time. Section 204(a) of the Workers Compensation Act states, in part, that: The… benefits from a pension plan to the extent funded by the employer...

EDI Notice

PLEASE NOTE:  The below warning now appears on WCAIS: Final decisions rendered (including C & Rs), signed agreements, and LIBC-751s must have an EDI transaction to reflect the acceptance, modification, suspension, or closure of the claim in WCAIS. This is nothing...

When is employment truly concurrent?

The Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines ”concurrent” as: operating or occurring at the same time. “Not necessarily so!” says the Commonwealth Court. The definition is not to be strictly applied when defining employment under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act....